Senin, 16 Agustus 2010


Candi Laoro Jonggrang yang sering disebut Candi Prambanan adalah kelompok percandian Hindu yang dibangun oleh raja-raja Dinasti Sanjaya pada abad IX. Ditemukannya tulisan nama Pikatan pada candi ini menimbulkan pendapat bahwa candi ini dibangun oleh Rakal Pikatan yang kemudian diselesaikan oleh Rakal Balitung berdasarkan prestasi berangka tahun 856 M “ Prasasti Siwargha “ sebagai manifest politik untuk meneguhkan kedudukannya sebagai raja besar. Terjadinya perpindahan pusat kerajaan Mataram ke Jawa Timur berakibat tidak terawatnya candi-candi didaerah ini ditambah terjadinya gempa bumi serta meletusnya gunung Merapi menjadikan candi Prambanan runtuh tinggal puing-puing batu berserakan. Sungguh menyedihkan itulah keadaan pada saat penemuan kembali candi Prambanan.
Usaha pemugaran yang dilaksanakan pemerintah Hindia Belanda berjalan sangat lamban dan akhirnya pekerjaan pemugaran yang sangat berharga itu diselesaikan oleh bangsa Indonesia. Pada tanggal 20 desember 1953 pemugaran candi induk Loro Jonggrang secara resmi dinyatakan selesai oleh Dr. Ir. Sukarno sebagai Presiden Republik Indonesia pertama. Sampai sekarang pekerjaan pemugaran dilanjutkan, yaitu pemgugaran candi Brahma dan candi Wisnu. Candi Brahma dipugar mulai tahun 1977 dan selesai serta diresmikan pada tanggal 23 Maret 1987. Sedangkan candi Wisnu mulai dipugar tahun 1982, selesai dan diresmikan oleh Bapak Presiden Soeharto pada tanggal 27 April 1991.

Asal Usul Nama:
Gugusan candi ini dinamakan “ PRAMBANAN “ karena terletak didaerah Prambanan, Jawa Tengah. Nama “ LORO JONGGRANG “ berkaitan dengan legenda yang menceritakan tentang seorang dara yang jonggrang atau gadis jangkung putri Prabu Boko.

Diskripsi Bangunan :
Komplek percandian Prambanan terdiri atas latar bawah, latar tengah dan latar atas ( latar pusat ) yang makin kearah dalam makin tinggi letaknya. Berturut-turut luasnya : 390 m , 222 m , 110 m . Latar bawah tak berisi apapun. Didalam latar tengah terdapat reruntuhan candi-candi Perwara.
Apabila seluruhnya selasai dipugar, maka akan ada 224 buah candi yang ukurannya semua sama yaitu luas dasar 6 m dan tingginya 14 m. Latar pusat adalah latar terpenting diatasnya berdiri 16 buah candi besar dan kecil. Candi-candi utama terdiri atas 2 deret yang saling berhadapan. Deret pertama yaitu candi Siwa, candi Wisnu dan candi Brahma. Deret kedua yaitu candi Nandi, candi Angsa, dan candi Garuda. Pada ujung-ujung lorong yang memisahkan kedua deretan candi tersebut terdapat candi Apit. Delapan candi lainnya lebih kecil, empat diantaranya candi Kelir, dan empat candi lainnya disebut candi Sudut. Secara keseluruhan percandian ini terdiri atas 240 buah candi.

Candi Prambanan terletak persis diperbatasan propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dan propinsi Jawa Tengah. Kurang lebih 17 km kearah timur dari kota Yogyakarta atau kurang lebih 53 km sebelah barat kota Solo. Komplek percandian Prambanan ini masuk kedalam 2 wilayah yakni komplek bagian Barat masuk wilayah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, dan bagian Timur masuk propinsi Jawa Tengah. Percandian Prambanan berdiri disebelah Timur sungai Opak kurang lebih 200 m sebelah utara Jl. Raya Yogja-Solo.

Senin, 02 Agustus 2010


Fine arts of devide become pure fine arts and fine arts of terapan, where both applied in fine arts apresiasi of live everyday [of] goodness in artistic exhibition and artistic galeri

Pure fine arts ( art fine ) representing result of swan song representing apresiasi of satisfaction of actor mind, and can enjoy [by] just value as artistic as is.
Example [of] : artistic [of] paint, wall decoration, idol

Fine arts of Terapan ( art applied ) representing result of majored [by] swan song [is] function wear him besides enjoyed [by] value as artistic as.
Example [of] : desk carve ( as desk learn, eat etc ), chair carve ( as seat ),
bed carve ( as seat

Thereby pure fine arts or fine arts of terapan can walk together in gratifying its satisfaction [of] him

Fine arts of Terapan ( art applied ) can be classified into:

1. Art of Kriya ( handicraft ).

[Is] result of swan song which way of its workmanship only passing hand
human being, appliance nonintervention or certain planning
For example : [crafting/ diligence] of bamboo, [crafting/ diligence] carve, [crafting/ diligence] of batik, [crafting/ diligence] of mask, [crafting/ diligence] of husk, [crafting/ diligence] of metal, [crafting/ diligence] of paint, [crafting/ diligence] of matting, [crafting/ diligence] of gerabah.

2. Artistic [of] desain.
[Is] result of swan song which way of its workmanship [pass/through]
planning and procedural constructively appliances, like computer.
For example : architecture desain, interior desain, graphical desain,
product desain.


Diskripsi fine arts differentiated pursuant to type and [his/its] manner

1. Pursuant to its type, fine arts divided :

a. Fine arts two dimension.

[Is] aspect swan song which can only be seen from just one way. In the case of this can only be seen ( to be enjoyed ) from front / just face by beholder
whereas from other direction [do] not seen. This matter because of aspect swan song two dimension, only owning just wide and long element
For example : paint art, wall decoration, masterpiece photograph etc

b. Fine arts three dimension.
[Is] result of swan song able to be seen from all direction, either from front, behind, from other sideing right or left. Because result of swan song three dimension have supporter tigaunsur that is is, high, length and is wide, so that form volume or room able to be seen from all direction
For example : idol, gerabah / ceramic, house etc

c. fine arts of Relief.

Representing mixture of aspect swan song two dimension and three dimension. masterpiece of Relief this can be seen from front, while from from other sideing too difficult to see [his/its] original form

2. Pursuant to its manner, fine arts divided :

a. Diskription fine arts pursuant to meaning.

As reason to enjoy as artistic as [is] returning to prehistory the forming of art, searching background process masterpiece creation . Of appliance weared, media draw and form and also its painting [is] [done/conducted] considerably modestly, but arising element of megis, or myth certain which depict strength of bases and mind of rokhani [at]
a period of/to him..
For example : wall painting of goa, idol etc

b. Diskription fine arts pursuant to type and is technics [of] making.
Swan song able to be seen directly. So that from its existence facet can know [by] the the objects have different types and making.
For example is : ceramic [of] cina, ancient currency etc


Branchs fine arts represent materialization of masterpiece two dimension, three and dimension of relief, representing shares and confessed [by] its existence

1. Fine arts two dimension

a. Artistic [of] Paint.

[Is] idea expression or aesthetic feeling and have a meaning (of) which [is] realized passing media : dot, line, area, form, colour, tekstur, and bold dark
which arranged with certain principles.

The example :
a1. Illustration picture.

[Is] to draw as a mean to clarify a[n obyek
visually [so that/ to be] easy reading content comprehended by beholder

a2.Form picture.
[Is] realized form idea above area draw to [pass/through] deftness of hand with dot media, line, area, form, colour, tekstur, and bold dark which made by paying attention accuracy of form, in perpective, proportion, and also komposisi so that yield beautiful masterpiece. In this case artist of aid need model [so that/ to be] formed as its genuiness

a3. Advertisement picture.
[Is] made picture under the conditions of is - Ethical : as according to norm, in determining sentence [do] not impinge norm, ethic, manner, and religion - Aesthetic : beauty [of], made as beautiful as possible [so that/ to be] drawing society, by paying attention proportion, composition, contrast, rhythm and harmony - Edukatif : education, laboured [by] educative mayority, especially in making of advertisement sentence - Persuasif : inviting, to be made [so that/ to be] can invite crowded sosiaty , especially [at] election of colour, sentence, draw as according to advertisement purposes and objectives

a4. Foreshorten.
[Is] made picture as according to central projection, so that yielded picture represent form having impression three dimension and look like with result of eyesight

b. Artistic [of] Weave.
[Is] art making of cloth technicsly making [at] colour patterns
[at] yarn before woven

c. Art Batik.
[Is] fine arts two dimension using to print to hamper, that is of a kind print from wax;candle materials ( wax d. Graphical Artistic.
[Is] fine arts two dimension using to print sablon, by using master which [is] was setting with computer

2. Fine arts three dimension

a. Artistic [of] Idol
Artistic [of] Idol [is] artificial object which created as expression experience, idea, and carrying out of into people form, animal, or other which chiseled, to be carved, or formed of [by] stone, clay, wood and to

b. Architecture art
Architecture art represent result of swan song which [is] its making with procedure and planning as someone architecture desain, by paying attention form of[is beauty [of] him as device satisfaction of [his/its] creator

c. Art of Kriya
Art of Kriya represent result of done swan song [pass/through] hand of man or woman directly

3. Art of Relief

a. Relief Temple represent result of from intelegency of ancient architecture and art as repression place and era custom ceremony first