Senin, 02 Agustus 2010


Branchs fine arts represent materialization of masterpiece two dimension, three and dimension of relief, representing shares and confessed [by] its existence

1. Fine arts two dimension

a. Artistic [of] Paint.

[Is] idea expression or aesthetic feeling and have a meaning (of) which [is] realized passing media : dot, line, area, form, colour, tekstur, and bold dark
which arranged with certain principles.

The example :
a1. Illustration picture.

[Is] to draw as a mean to clarify a[n obyek
visually [so that/ to be] easy reading content comprehended by beholder

a2.Form picture.
[Is] realized form idea above area draw to [pass/through] deftness of hand with dot media, line, area, form, colour, tekstur, and bold dark which made by paying attention accuracy of form, in perpective, proportion, and also komposisi so that yield beautiful masterpiece. In this case artist of aid need model [so that/ to be] formed as its genuiness

a3. Advertisement picture.
[Is] made picture under the conditions of is - Ethical : as according to norm, in determining sentence [do] not impinge norm, ethic, manner, and religion - Aesthetic : beauty [of], made as beautiful as possible [so that/ to be] drawing society, by paying attention proportion, composition, contrast, rhythm and harmony - Edukatif : education, laboured [by] educative mayority, especially in making of advertisement sentence - Persuasif : inviting, to be made [so that/ to be] can invite crowded sosiaty , especially [at] election of colour, sentence, draw as according to advertisement purposes and objectives

a4. Foreshorten.
[Is] made picture as according to central projection, so that yielded picture represent form having impression three dimension and look like with result of eyesight

b. Artistic [of] Weave.
[Is] art making of cloth technicsly making [at] colour patterns
[at] yarn before woven

c. Art Batik.
[Is] fine arts two dimension using to print to hamper, that is of a kind print from wax;candle materials ( wax d. Graphical Artistic.
[Is] fine arts two dimension using to print sablon, by using master which [is] was setting with computer

2. Fine arts three dimension

a. Artistic [of] Idol
Artistic [of] Idol [is] artificial object which created as expression experience, idea, and carrying out of into people form, animal, or other which chiseled, to be carved, or formed of [by] stone, clay, wood and to

b. Architecture art
Architecture art represent result of swan song which [is] its making with procedure and planning as someone architecture desain, by paying attention form of[is beauty [of] him as device satisfaction of [his/its] creator

c. Art of Kriya
Art of Kriya represent result of done swan song [pass/through] hand of man or woman directly

3. Art of Relief

a. Relief Temple represent result of from intelegency of ancient architecture and art as repression place and era custom ceremony first

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